Meet the Team

The minds behind this great initiative.


Executive Director/Founder


Dwight Urey is a Liberian national and was born on March 8, 1985. He was born unto the union of Mr. Stephen G. Urey & Ms. Konah Sumo. He grew up and was schooled in Liberia, West Africa. In 2011, he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting with an emphasis in Management from one of the prestigious universities in Liberia (Cuttington University).

Upon his graduation in 2011, he served in different positions at different organizations/companies both in Liberia and the USA. Some of those positions include but are not limited to: Assistant Manager, Finance officer, Director Support professional, as well as Program associate.

Presently, Mr. Urey is the CEO/Executive Director of Liberia Agriculture for National Development, and he wishes to work with the national government to improve the country’s economy by bettering the lives of his fellow Liberians through food security, job creation, and educational opportunities.  


Co-Founder / Administrator

Emmanuel G. Mulbah is a Liberian and a young, Operational manager who is contributing significantly to youth development by buttressing national Government efforts through the NGO sector. He is an entrepreneur who has passion for Agriculture especially in the areas of food production, sustainability, and food security.

He is the current Chief Operation Officer (COO) for YOCEL and Co-Founder of Liberia Agriculture for National Development (LAND-Liberia). He also provides support to so many youth-led and CSO institutions across the country.

Emmanuel is a dedicated, committed, and technically skilled professional with versatile administrative support skills which was developed through experience gained as an administrator/HR, familiarity with administrative duties, attention to duty, organizational skills, and ability to stay focused on assigned tasks, and field staff supervision. He is excellent in resolving conflicts with innovative solutions.

Emmanuel G. Mulbah is passionate about working in the Education and Agriculture sectors, he also believes in transforming the lives of young people and serving humanity. He is a lead advocate for quality education and ending violence against children and young women across Liberia, as well as supporting other international initiatives.

Emmanuel G. Mulbah has many professional certificates and training experience both nationally and internationally. They include: Financial Management, Project Planning & Management, HR Management, Ethics & Costumers Service, Basic Human Rights Approach & Conflict Resolution, Media & Communication Development, Gender Mainstreaming and Safeguarding Principles amongst many others sponsor by the United Nations, European Union, FAWE, Plan International, USAID OXFAM International, Global Platform Ghana Action Aid act.





County Coordinator

Sumo Urey



Patmilla Diamond Caillendee. Born to the union of Mr. Patrick Caillendee and Ms. Miatta Zogbo on March 23, 1996, I became the second child of a mother of three and the first child of a father of two. I am a devout Christian and a patriotic Liberian who hails from Voinjama, Lofa County, and of the Kissi tribe of Liberia.

I was a member of the graduating class of 2014 from the Len Miller High School in Sinkor, obtaining a diploma and a WAEC Certificate. I am a current student (senior) at the Stella Maris Polytechnic, reading General Agriculture.

Would you like to support our Initiative?

We have a lot of work to do and your donation would go a long way in helping us achieve our dreams and improve the agriculture sector in Liberia